Thursday, December 18, 2008

talking it out

something was on my mind. It felt like a weight, but i wasn't sure if I was just overreacting or if it was something I should talk about. Then, as if an answer to a prayer, she told me to tell her what was on my mind. The gate was opened. I poured it all out to her. I spoke about what had been bothering and then I asked for advice. She willingly gave it and once again my snow white had come through for me and I felt completely relieved. it's a blessing to know someone is there to talk. Just talk.

I'm on the phone...boy troubles. I need my older sister. I call and the phone is answered. I vent and maybe even whine a little, but she doesn't care. she talks me though it and I relax and calm down. once again, a blessing.
Talk it out. Find someone who's there for you. It is an immense relief.
Thank you princess, and thank you seester.


Talia said...

aw, honey, you know you can always call me ANYTIME for ANYTHING. :)
that's what seesters are for. And i love you, Lyddie-Lou!

Ashlei Paige said...

what a sweet post. anytime dear, anytime.

Tristan said...

that's sweet!

*CPA* Su said...

I hope things are okay with you...but that is great that you have such a dear friend and such a sweet sister that you can count on anytime!