Friday, October 10, 2008


Do you know that feeling of peace you get when you thought you had so many problems and then you prayed to God and you suddenly felt comforted. It's like the calm of the sea after a storm. You are at peace and you feel like everything is going to be okay. What a great God we have!

"Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them." Psalm 119:165


Ashlei Paige said...

Beautifully worded my dear. bravo =]

*CPA* Su said...

It's amazing how much encouragement one can get from someone they've never met!

Thanks for encouraging me today (through His word, of course)! =)

Jerusha Abigail said...

beautiful post, sister!
truly lovely the way you express things and show such true faith

Talia said...

so lovely. You, your post, and the Psalms. :)