Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Cold Days

Lately it has been so cold here! Seriously they forcasted snow for sunday and monday morning which never came, but still it's only October. I do love chilly weather but I'm not sure if I'm ready for winter yet.
When it's chilly and cloudy with just a little bit of rain I absolutely adore it. Eveything about that day seems wonderful. My favorite thing to do on days like that are to grab a steaming cup of coffee, get a blanket, and just be delightfully lazy.

Nothing beats that.

Cold weather also has other benefits. There are the cutest clothes during the winter and fall seasons. I love all the sweaters, scarfs, and cute boots! I was made to wear those things! =)

Are all of you having a lovely fall?


*CPA* Su said...

I AM having a wonderful fall! I'm totally into fall this year...which is a bit unusual for me. And it seems to have cooled off here a bit earlier this year, which of course is always desired! =)

Talia said...

I'm drinking tea right now, in my slippers. Ahh...

But it's supposed to be warm here today, I'm sad... :(