Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Today is Jerusha's 20th birthday! And since today is also the 20th of August, it is her golden birthday which makes it all the more special!

She has to work all day today and tonight my mom has to go to this conference so it doesn't exactly feel like a birthday, but I wanted to make sure it was still special. In order for this to be the case I got up this morning and made her chocolate chip muffins! And tonight we can sit around and watch Project Runway! What's better than that on your birthday? Also Tyra and Christine, along with the kids, are here. so they get to share the day with her!
So Happy Birthday Jerusha!! Love you bunches! and I hope your birthday is amazing even though you have to spend it here at the clinic...kiss kiss


Ashlei Paige said...

What a nice sister you are!!!

My golden birthday is long're only 11 once =]

Jerusha Abigail said...

you ARE a nice sister! :)
thanks, lovey!!

Talia said...

I hope our seester had a wonderful birthday!!

I guess you're a nicer sister than me, because I didn't even write a blog post about this momentous occasion... you win. :)