Saturday, August 16, 2008

One of those days

Outside it's raining. It's been thundering and lightening since yesterday and it's supposed to continue into tomorrow. I have to say I love it! Everything looks so fresh and green. So what do you do on days like these? Well I've been cleaning! It really is kind of the perfect occupation for a day like this. The refrigerator is shiny and clean, the bathrooms are close to sparkling, and everything is being vacuumed and dusted. Productive huh? Now I'm in the process of cleaning the kitchen. That's actually one of my favorite jobs. Does that make me weird?
Also I'm thinking I might rearrange my room today. I'm just kind of in the mood for it. We'll see if that actually gets done.
I hope all of you are having a wonderful Saturday!


Unknown said...

Oh rain!! How I would just love for it to rain here. And it truly is the best when it's raining and you get to stay home and tend to the house

*CPA* Su said...

I must agree with Steph...rain here would be utterly delighful right about now!!! So I'm thrilled you shared YOUR rainy day with us, so at least we can dream about it!

Ashlei Paige said...
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Ashlei Paige said...

awww what a great way to spend a rainy day! (haha)

cute pin up. wonder where you got that idea? *wink*

Talia said...

I'm so jealous of your rainy day... I simply cannot wait until it rains here!! Sounds like a lovely day, darling.

um, you weren't dressed like that though, were you? You do realize she's NAKED under that apron??? Scandalous!!

(don't worry, I know you were fully clothed :))