Friday, September 12, 2008

Writing Letters

Getting letters in the mail has got to be one of my favorite things! There's just something about going to the mailbox and seeing an envelope addressed to you. The anticipation of reading whatever's inside is wonderful.
Today my mom and I were at Tuesday Morning shopping for notecards and napkins. That store can have some pretty adorable stuff and as I was strolling the aisles a journal caught my eye. It was black and white, which is always an eye catcher for me. It was onyl $5 so I couldn't resist! To make it just a little cuter I added my only little touch: a blue "L."

I didn't really want this to be a journal because I'm so horrible at keeping up with those. but I thought I would buy it specifically to write letters in! I'll then cut them out and send them. Most of these letters will probably go to Dearest Ashlei, but I'm sure the lovely Talia will receive a few!
Writing letters to my girls is fabulous! I love seeing that blank page and knowing that I get to fill it with whatever I want. There are so many possibilities.

Nothing beats a cute journal! Ashlei, get ready for some letters!


Unknown said...

Oh very adorable! What a great idea for use it for letters.

Ashlei Paige said...

Awww that is sooo cute!!! =] I have to put your letter in the mail. I shall do that tomorrow

*CPA* Su said... that I've tagged you, you have more letters to write! =)

Talia said...

a lovely journal!! And I'd BETTER get some of those letters. :) There is nothing like a hand-written letter...

Jerusha Abigail said...

i'm liking the cube representation here. lol
cute notebook!!