Monday, September 15, 2008

Tag Game

So, here’s the rules and then on to the fun! 1. Link to the person who tagged you 2. Post the rules to your blog 3. Write 6 random things about yourself. 4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them 5. Let each person you have tagged know by leaving a comment on their blog. 6. Let the tagger know when your entry is posted.

I was tagged by Susan! Be sure to check out her blog!

random fact # 1
I would be perfectly happy with eating nothing but pasta! I love it. My favorite has got to spaghetti with white sauce and vegetables and maybe some cubed ham thrown in there. YUM!

random fact # 2
I HATE feet, but more specifically toes. There's something about them that just completely grosses me out. I'm sure my family will tell you that I tend to freak out when feet get too close to me. I can deal with my own feet, but they are still gross.

random fact # 3
I really really want to go to Italy and do nothing but relax and take as many pictures as I want to. I want to find the prettiest buildings and the most artistic spots and capture them with a lens. I think that would be the best ever.

random fact # 4
When I was little, I think I was 5, I wanted nothing else more then to be a ballerina. That obviously didn't happen. Probably because I never took any classes and I am completely non-flexible. =) I don't want that anymore so it's okay. haha

random fact # 5
One of my favorite things to do is read. I love a good book. I'm facsinated with all those old classics, especially when they're hard back and they have that vintage look. I would love to have a library someday filled with nothing but old books. Wouldn't that be great?

random fact # 6
I have a weakness for Diet Coke. Most people think that's weird because you know, "there's nothing better then regular coke." Well I disagree, I love the taste of diet coke.

Now I have to tag six people! I'll start with Talia! Next will be Miss Ashlei. I think I will also tag Kourtini. Sunny, you have also been tagged! I will also tag Stephanie. My last tag will be Lisa!

Everyone enjoy and have fun!


*CPA* Su said...

Oh Italy! That does sound fun! You'll def have to post about it if you ever make it there.

And a good book, YES! Especially on those rainy days you previously mentioned...doesn't get any better than that!

However, I'm not sure we can be friends anymore because you don't like Pepsi!! LOL! =)

Thanks for playing this little tag game with me, wasn't it so fun?!?

Talia said...

Thanks for tagging me! I will for sure get around to it soon, should be fun. :)
I loved reading yours, even though I already knew most of that stuff about you. Except for the diet drinks thing. Can't say I understand that (since I HATE diet drinks), but whatever works for you... :)

Unknown said...

I agree, I would totally love to do an entire photogging vacation. How fun would that be! Thanks for the tag!

Jeremy said...

Ew, diet coke...bleh.

And bleh again.

Almost as bad as the rip-off soda brands, like "Dr. Skipper".
