Monday, September 22, 2008

Sunrise to Sunset

On wednesday my alarm clock went off at 2:15 a.m. I slowly sat up and tried to wake myself up, remebering I had showered the night before so I wouldn't have to now at this ungodly hour of the morning. My dad and I were making the seven hour drive to Lincoln, Nebraska so that he could attend a committee meeting, which started at 11 in the morning. Once I was finally awake I actually kind of liked being up that early. It was pitch dark and we were trying not to wake everybody else up so we didn't really turn on any lights. Now there's a challenge. We were on the road by 3 a.m. driving in a red chevy cobalt that we had rented. It sounds like a nice car and it drove okay, but it was pretty cheap. I'm talking roll down windows and no power locks.
Oh well. =)
Have you ever driven towards the east at that early in the morning? Well if you haven't, you should. I'm not saying that it's necessarily nice to drive directly into the sun as it starts coming up, but it is amazing to witness something that beautiful. Right when dawn was starting to break we had entered Nebraska and there were rolling fields covered in a thick layer of fog. It was breathtaking. As the sun rose higher, it covered everything in a heavenly glow. Things were just glistening! I wasn't really thinking, so I didn't get any pictures of that, but I don't think I could have really captured that intense beauty anyways.
Once we arrived in Lincoln, only seven minutes late, Dad went into the church for the meeting and I was left to entertain myself until my friend, Heather, got there at 2.
I hadn't been to Lincoln in years but I did remember that right across from the street there were sunken gardens. I had loved them when I gone there before so I decided to walk over there. It was gorgeous! When I was little I had attended a wedding in the sunken gardens and being there again just brought back alot of memories! I did use my brain at this point and take out the camera, so I'll share a few of those with you!

There were a few little ponds and they were filled with water lilies and colorful fish!

All the flowers were blooming beautifully!

This structure was designed by the same man that designed the gardens and around the top was an inscription which was a quote by the man.

This was part of the quote and it was my favorite.

While waiting, I spent some time laying on my back in the grass reading, and this pciture was taken from there.

Heather finally got there and we just drove around hanging out until my dad came to pick me up around 4:30. I didn't get to see her for long but it was still lots of fun! She's beautiful.

Heather and I.
So after that, Dad and I got back in the car and started the drive home. This time we were driving west so we also got to witness the sunset. Sunrise and sunset in one day. It was glorious. We got home at about 11 p.m. and let me tell you, we were ready to crash! 1,000 miles in one day is quite a bit. It was nice though. A break from work and I got to take pictures!
I hope all of you had a great weekend and have a blessed week!


Talia said...

what a great idea for a post! I love how you described the sunrise-- it sounds so beautiful.

Oh, the sunken gardens!! I loved those. I wish I could have come too and wandered them with you. Such a beautiful place.

Sounds like an exhausting day, but still lots of fun. I bet Dad was so glad to have you along!!

Ashlei Paige said...

Your pictures are all beautiful!!! what a picturesque little trip!!! So pretty! =]

Anonymous said...

Dear Lydia, Your photography is quite lovely. You do have a good eye for it. You must get that from your father, huh?!
Albert Einstein said,"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."
Keep living your life as you expressed in this post, enjoying the miracle of each sunrise and sunset.

*CPA* Su said...

Those pictures are awesome! That garden sounds and looks extremely beautiful!! If I ever make it to Nebraska, I MUST go there!

Unknown said...

Wow all your photos are so beautiful! I'm glad you had such a long and wonderful day