Saturday, January 17, 2009


I am feeling restless. Do you ever get that feeling? I don't know what to do. Usually I head straight to my Sherlock Holmes book and curl up on a chair somewhere and read, but tonight even that doesn't sound good. It's like I can't be calm. I don't understand it.
I'm sitting here drinking tea on my bed with the laptop and you would think that would make me feel peaceful, but it doesn't.
Thriving Ivory is doing what they can to help as they come out of my computer speakers, and that does help a bit.
I want to have someone here with me to just talk and be restless with me. At the same time I almost want to be alone. I mean I chose to come in here by myself and leave everyone else out in the living room, but still, some sort of company would be nice. I swear I'm crazy. I don't know what it is. I guess it's just one of those nights.
Any tips on how to calm down and find some peace?


Ashlei Paige said...

this comment is really lame...but im texting thats all that matters. i love you buns.

Lisa said...

I've been like this so much lately! Last night I only slept from 10pm to 2am. Everyone else slept from 10 to 10. Not fair.

*CPA* Su said...

Oh I've been having lots of these moments lately...hang in there!

Tristan said...

Awe..hun, that's how all of my nights have been for about 2 weeks..NO Fun.

But I'm having a giveaway..and if you'd like..enter!

Rebecca said...

lol it's a little late for this comment, but if you feel like that again try taking very slow deep breaths while listening to that awesome awesome band