Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Day After The Election

Yesterday was of course Election Day and I know many of you did your duty and voted. Good Job! I had the honor of voting for the first time in a Presidential Election and I loved the experience.
Barack Obama is to be this country's new president. Last night when the news announced that they had projected Obama to be the winner I will not deny that I was disappointed. I had been praying all evening and for it to come to that conclusion was a little bit of a let down. None of us know what will happen now and I think that's always scary.
This morning I woke up and I realized something: God had providentially planned for Obama to be our Nation's 44th President. You know what else? I don't know what will come of this presidency but God works all things for our good and we can take comfort in that. Even if this man was not the president some of us wanted he is the one we will have and I don't think any of us should be divided by that fact. God still hears prayers and I will pray every day for our new President to make wise decisions and to lead our country with the desire to better the people and glorify God.
I don't want to look at this as a downfall, instead, let us be hopeful that things are going to be okay. God is great and we always have comfort in that. All of this is God's will and we should not doubt it.
Congratulations to Obama and all his supporters!
I hope all of you had a fantastic election day!


*CPA* Su said...

Amen to that, my dear sister-in-Christ! (And you're only 18?? I'm not buying it! =)

You're absolutely right...God is not the least bit surprised by the outcome. And we should draw GREAT comfort from that.

Oh, and hooray for 1st time voters, like yourself!

Jerusha Abigail said...

how did you get to be the mature one of us girls?? seriously. great post! what an amazing comfort that ALL is in His plan and under His control.

Anonymous said...

I think you're completely right... God knows exactly what He's doing with all of this! We can't be too scared when we remember that, right? :)

Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog! I know I've done my share of stalking on your blog and your other sister's... your whole family just seems so sweet, and I have to say that I'm jealous of all the sisterly love. :)

Talia said...

waaaait, is Jerusha calling me immature?? Or did she just mean between you two?? ;)

I already told you in our lovely conversation last night, but I love this post, and I'm proud of you for saying it all.

Obama is exactly who God has given us to lead our country, and he will be in my prayers continually too.
