Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A 13 Hour Car Ride and David Cook

Hello Lovely Bloggers!
Once again it's been a little while since I last blogged but I'm making up for that now!
This past weekend my family and I took the thirteen hour trip to Phoenix, Arizona for a chiropractic seminar. Trust me that's a very long time in a car, especially when there are three people in the backseat. The thing that my family always does when we go on road trips is listen to music. I mean we blast it and sing along! =) We had recently bought the premier David Cook cd because we had taken a liking to him when he was on American Idol. I have to say that his cd is pretty fantastic. I love it! His cd and many others definitely makes the ride go easier. We got funny looks when we would walk into a gas station and be singing out loud. HAHA such things as "I'm not gonna come down, down off of these clouds. Heros come and go but you're still standing. You teach me to rise up, to open my eyes up!" Song two off the David Cook cd. =)
Anyways when we finally made it to our destination it was already pretty late so we just got to the hotel room and crashed so that we would be ready for an early start the next day. The seminar was on Saturday from 8-5 and then on Sunday from 8-3. I have to say it was a really good seminar. We learned alot and it will hopefully give our clinic the explosion it needs. Keep praying for that please!
Phoenix has some interesting scenery and me, being camera obsessed as I am, definitely took some pictures. Here are some for you now!

Our Signature car picture.

The sun was doing really cool things to Jerusha's hair.

Where the seminar took place.

A pretty sunset!

Jerusha and I enjoyed the pool!!

Dad being a goof. haha

Those cacti are crazy.

We also got to stop at some relatives home and spend an evening with them! They had this gorgeous cat and he of course got to be photographed!!

Well that pretty much sums it up!! We're back now and I'm getting excited for Thanksgiving tomorrow!!

What are all of your plans to celebrate??


*CPA* Su said...

I've only heard David Cook's premier song, but I do love him! Glad you had a fun trip. That IS a long drive! YIKES! Lovin' the pics...that cacti is neato!

Thanksgiving plans are w/ the fam...hope you have a great one!

Ashlei Paige said...

I love all your pictures! especially the ones of you!!! =] thanks for texting me during the traveling times!!!